All you need to know
The photo is not me, it came with the theme. I kept her there nevertheless, because she appears strong and looks upwards. Thanks, unknown lady.
My digital footprint is deliberately light for security purposes. I’m an educator who silently quit years ago after decades of working for soulless corporate managers. During a phase of quiet outrage at the state of education, I enrolled onto a degree in cybersecurity. It’s only now, as I reflect with hindsight, I realise this side-step was part of a longer plan that began a long time ago. Maybe, I’ll elaborate further in a post one day..
That was back in December 2021. In the course of one year, I have undertaken five modules. Two completed, with distinctions, a third pending in March 2023, and two left until a new year begins in October.
I’m going to use this blog to share my learning journey for two main reasons:
Firstly, for personal reflection and revision. I have also heard the rumours, in the deepest Discord tunnels, it helps a future employer see your dedication, progress and achievements.
Secondly, maybe it will inspire others? As a teacher, I dearly hope so.